- 在夏天, 向上的束缚 participants may attend our free three-part academic and residential programs.
- First is our College Blitz night which is an orientation for all new students to learn about college and careers. 在这个方向上, 向上的束缚 staff come to your local College of the Redwoods campus to deliver fun and informative workshops geared toward launching you on the path to college readiness.
- Next is the four day college tour which every student is eligible to participate in at least once by the end of high school. On this trip students will have the opportunity to visit multiple types of college campuses around different area's of California and attend some fun cultural activities. 这次旅行是为11年级的学生准备的, 如果有多余的名额,我们会给10年级的学生提供一些名额.
- Last is the 5-week academic residential program which is open to all participants in 向上的束缚. This takes place at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California from June 23rd-July 25th, 2024.
由“学术," we mean that participants take classes that are either college classes or classes that are organized by 向上的束缚. Students may choose from a variety of diverse and enriching classes designed to enhance skills necessary to succeed in high school and transition to college. 我们开设作文课, 文学, 数学, 实验室科学, 外语, 电脑, 还有其他科目. 我们的课程帮助参与者在他们的高中获得选修学分. 他们也可以在有时间的时候报名参加皇冠365官方app的课程.
By "residential" we mean that participants live on campus in the dorms for a true college-simulated experience.
We also offer a Summer Bridge Program for recent high school graduates to help them bridge to college life. These participants take a college class and are employed in a work-study position on campus. 他们也可以住在宿舍,并参加住宿顾问实习.
参与者在暑假期间学到了很多关于大学的知识. 他们也会与正在上大学的导师一起工作. 我们的许多导师在高中时都是上进计划的参与者.
This year we have an exciting new component that will allow students who are unable to attend the summer program to take an online class and still be able to earn some high school elective credits. 我们将尽快发布更多消息, 但是如果你有任何直接的问题,你可以皇冠365官方app的办公室.