




> 认证回家



Dr. 彼得·布莱克莫尔


学生拼贴College of the Redwoods (CR) holds 认证 from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The ACCJC is an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education 认证 and the U.S. 教育部. 关于认证的其他信息, 包括对会员机构的投诉, 可在 www.accjc.org.  

2018年1月26日,ACCJC再次确认了华润的认证. CR的认证每八年进行一次,我们是 目前在2024年的认证过程中,已经提交了我们的机构 2023年12月自我评价报告. 

华润提供由ACCJC以外的外部机构认可的各种项目. 有关程序认证,许可或批准的详细信息可以在 项目认证网站. 此外, 指定低年级, baccalaureate-level courses at CR are approved for transfer to all branches of the University of California (UC) and all California State Universities (CSU). 根据公法,CR也被批准用于退伍军人教育. 本网站旨在向我们的社区通报CR的认证状态, 活动, 以及有关认证标准和流程的一般信息.


认证 is a very important part of continuous improvement that requires institutions to undergo an evaluation that focuses on quality standards that help strengthen colleges. 在我们悠久的历史中, College of the Redwoods has maintained a well-deserved reputation for providing outstanding education and services that focuses on student success and achievement.

College of the Redwoods has prepared and submitted its Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) as required by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) in order to reaffirm CR’s 认证. 该报告提供了有关该学院许多成就的信息和反思, 挑战, 以及过去七年的演变, 并指出了需要改进的地方.

Members of the general public or college community are welcome to provide third-party comments to assists the Commission as it considers applications for candidacy, 认证, 或重新确认认证. 为了确保同行评审小组对适用的第三方意见进行评估, third-party comments should be received by the Commission staff no later than five weeks before the peer review team’s focused site visit. Third-party comments may be submitted by completing the Commission’s online third-party comment form available via the ACCJC’s website: http://accjc.org/third-party-comment/.

我要感谢布朗博士. 彼得·布莱克莫尔,认证联络官,博士. 克里斯托·莫尔斯博士. 肖恩·托马斯。, 评审领导小组联席主席, 以及参与这一关键过程的每一个人.


Dr. 基斯火焰喷射器


Dr. 文斯·罗德里格斯主席Dr. 文斯·罗德里格斯主席

Dr.  罗德里格斯已经在海岸线学院工作了26年. 他担任机密雇员, 一个导演, 迪安, 学生服务副总裁(2年)和教学副总裁(9年), 这是他担任学院院长的第三年. He has served on multiple ACCJC peer review teams and has also served as Coastline's 认证 Liaison Officer. 

Dr. 金E. 阿姆斯特朗Dr. 副主席金·阿姆斯特朗
电子邮件: 金.armstrong@cloviscollege.edu

Dr. 金E. 阿姆斯特朗 was appointed to serve as the third president of 克洛维斯社区学院 on January 3, 2023.  在她的领导下, 她领导学院实施新的教育总体规划和战略规划, 扩大职业技术教育计划, 新设施项目. 此前,博士. 阿姆斯特朗担任学生副校长, 股本, 阿肯色州立大学三河分校社区事务教授. 

Ms. 谢丽尔·贝利Ms. 谢丽尔·贝利
Instruction Librarian; SLO Coordinator

问候! 我是谢丽尔·贝利, and I serve as the library chair and Online Education co-chair at 尔湾谷学院 in South Orange County. This past year I have also helped to establish an AI Taskforce and a Guided Pathways completion team for the student support centers at IVC. 我把我的工作重点放在DEIA上, 使在线教育更加健全和方便,图书馆对所有人都是欢迎和安全的.

Mr. 迦勒福勒Mr. 迦勒福勒
Professor Computer Information Science; 业务

我在大学教学已经有30多年了. I was an adjunct professor in the Schools of 业务 and Information Science at Philadelphia University and Drexel University. 目前, 我是福尔松湖学院计算机信息科学系的教授, 在过去的十年里我一直在那里全职教学. 我曾担任系主任和许多学术委员会委员, 包括学术评议会和评审指导委员会. I have just completed my doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of California, Davis. 我的研究兴趣是促进社区学院的变革. 我和妻子及三个女儿住在加利福尼亚州的花岗岩湾. 

Dr. 米歇尔·沃格尔·特劳特Dr. 米歇尔Trautt
Mt. 圣哈辛托学院

Dr. 米歇尔·沃格尔·特劳特(米歇尔·沃格尔·特劳特)是Mt. 圣哈辛托学院. She currently serves as the co-chair of the Psychology department and as the Academic Senate Executive 总统. Dr. Vogel Trautt获得了文学学士学位 & 科罗拉多州立大学圣马科斯分校的心理科学硕士, 并获得了圣地亚哥州立大学教育领导学博士学位. Dr. 沃格尔·特劳特经常在一系列主题上发表演讲,包括, 主动学习策略, 多种模式的高影响力实践, 翻转课堂, 课程重新设计, 文化响应式教学, 均衡课程教学大纲, 作业, 和评估, 公平的项目审查, 评估, 和规划, 还有更多. 她还担任Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会的顾问, 她负责学生领导力发展项目. Dr. Vogel Trautt是众多参与式治理小组的成员, has attended multiple equitable hiring recruitment process trainings and contributed to EEO plan revisions. 作为认证团队的领导和指导委员会成员. Vogel Trautt在概述和编写ISER方面有经验, 编译证据, 鉴定文件定稿, 并参与实地考察访谈. She serves on the ASCCC 认证 Committee and has facilitated sessions for the 认证 Institute and collaboratively written rostrum articles and resolutions. 作为一名社会科学家. 沃格尔·特劳特接受过提问训练, 评价和审查流程和程序, and propose ideas and structural redesign recommendations for intentional and lasting change that serves and supports all students in realizing their fullest potential. 

Dr. 克丽丝蒂森林Dr. 克丽丝蒂森林
电子邮件: 克丽丝蒂.woods@rcc.edu

Dr. 克里斯蒂·伍兹是语言学院的教务长, 河滨城市学院的人文社会科学专业.  她也是历史和民族研究的终身教授. 克丽丝蒂 views her work as service leadership through a lens of equity-mindedness and a practice of cultural proficiency. At RCC 克丽丝蒂 has led the Student 股本 Committee and several student equity initiatives including developing college Student 股本 Plans and long service as the Umoja faculty coordinator.  她是第九地区学生平等领袖网络的联合主席.   

作为院长,博士. Woods sits on two Strategic Planning Councils:  the Teaching and Learning Leadership Council and Educational Program Oversight Committee.   她还在以下委员会任职:认证指导委员会, 招生管理委员会, 教育资助谘询委员会, 导径委员会, 学生成功委员会, 以及学生公平委员会.   

Dr. Woods has twenty years' experience in faculty leadership including serving as the chair of the Department of History, 人文学科, 哲学, 以及河滨城市学院的种族研究.  她曾在多个地区委员会任职,包括学术标准委员会, 地区多元化及平等就业机会委员会, 以及专业成长和休假委员会.  She has been active in the Academic Senate and served as Secretary of the California Teachers Association, RCCD章.   

Dr. Jon KnolleDr. Jon Knolle

Dr. Jon Knolle currently serves as the 教务处副主席 at Monterey Peninsula College where he provides leadership for operations and 活动 within Academic Affairs, 包括在课程等领域的支持项目和教师, 指令, 调度, 登记管理. 此前,博士. Knolle served as 教务长 responsible for leadership of MPC's online education program, 图书馆服务, 双录取, 成人教育, 及职业教育科. 

Ms. 利亚阿拉Ms. 利亚阿拉

Dr. Leah Alarcon serves as the Acting Vice 总统 of Student Development and 第九条 Coordinator at 奥克斯纳德大学 (a Hispanic Serving Institution). Her responsibilities include oversight of all functions of 学生服务 that include the Student 股本 and Achievement Program, 招生 & 记录, 学生健康中心, 金融援助, 需求方, bgi /保健/接下来, 咨询, 退伍军人, CalWORKs, 学院迎新中心和first STEP中心, 大学转学中心, 职业中心, 若干标题V HSI补助金, 三个项目, 基本需求, 梦想资源中心, 及副学士. Dr. Alarcon is one of the chairs of the Guided Pathways taskforce and works with 奥克斯纳德大学 classified professionals, 教师和学生实施这一框架. Dr. Alarcon serves as co-chair of the Student 股本 and Success Committee and Professional Development Committee in addition to supporting the College and District in various committees 和规划. 

Dr. Stephen KibuiDr. Stephen Kibui
财务副总裁 & 业务
Rio Hondo学院

I have been with Rio Hondo Community College District for the last 10 years on full-time basis. 这是我担任特区首席预算官的第四年. 我在之前的职位中担任了6年的地区财务总监. 

Ms. Zahra MojtahediMs. Zahra Mojtahedi
高级计划 & 研究分析师

Zahra Mojtahedi是规划办公室的高级规划和研究分析师, 研究, 天际线学院的创新和效率(PRIE). Some of her primary areas of focus include leading data report design and data integrity improvement projects, 发展和协调全校范围的调查, 并展示整个学院的学生成绩数据. 她还担任Skyline学院认证监督小组(AOG)的联合主席。. 

副总裁, ACCJC
